Monday, March 25, 2019

New York Now photo portrait features Mercura NYC original art sculpted Seaworthy sailing optical capacity sunglasses and earring New Age Glamour photography by Paula Retsky hashtag #sunglasses hashtag #earrings hashtag #glamour hashtag #originality hashtag #seaworthy hashtag #newyorknow

New York Now photo portrait features Mercura NYC original art sculpted Seaworthy sailing optical capacity sunglasses and earring New Age Glamour photography by Paula Retsky hashtag #sunglasses hashtag #earrings hashtag #glamour hashtag #originality hashtag #seaworthy hashtag #newyorknow

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Mercura NYC Art to Wear big sculpted brass & mixed medium enamel amorphic circle pair earrings of 1979 with sailboat sunglasses of 1988